What is Bike Party?

Changwon Bike Party is a group bike ride open to any and all bike riders and Nubija subscribers. It happens the 2nd Saturday of every month. Every Bike Party has a different starting point and a different route and is typically around 12-20 KM. Also every ride has a costumed theme! Bike Party is about engaging with your biking and local community. Bike Party allows us to explore and engage with neighborhoods and even cities that we might not explore or engage with otherwise. Bike Party is first and foremost a PARTY! There is music, and costumes and all kinds of celebrating!! So dress up and get on your bikes and ride!!!

Here is a video I made of what a bike party looks like: East Bay Bike Party

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

5월의 바이크 파티!!! 블랙 앤 화이트 MAY BIKE PARTY!!!!!!! BLACK AND WHITE

5월의 바이크 파티!!! 블랙 앤 화이트:


This will be almost the same as March's Rainbow ride. Only BIGGER and BETTER! We will start from the Changwon Rotary in front of Emart and we will ride to Masan and the 
end at.... wait for it... NORAEBOAT!!!
이번에는 3월의 레인보우 라이드와 거의 비슷합니다. 더 커지고 더 좋아지겠죠!
창원 이마트 앞 시청광장에서 출발하여 마산으로 가서...종점은...잠시만요...노래배입니다!!

Meet Saturday May 11th at 1:30pm. Ride leaves at 2pm.

5월 11일 토요일 11시 30분에 만나요. 2시에 출발합니다.

Theme: Black and White. Wear black. Or white. Or both. Or get creative...be something that is black and white. Nun? Dalmatian? Orca? Skunk? Monopoly Guy? Playing cards? Panda? The choice is yours!
테마: 흑과 백. 검정이나 흰색을 입으세요. 둘 다 입으셔도 되고 창의적으로 입으셔도 되는데 검정과 흰색이면 됩니다. 수녀, 달마시안, 잠수복, 스컹크, 모노폴리 아저씨, 플레잉 카드, 팬더 등 여러분의 선택입니다!

More details to come, keep posted! BIKE PARTY!!!
자세한 사항은 곧 알려드리겠으니 주목해주세요! 바이크 파티!!!

Monday, April 29, 2013



It was a cold April night, but the bandits were out!!!  We rode from the home stadium of Gyeongnam FC to Palyoungdong back into Sangnam. 

At the start point

At the start point
At our break point near City 7.

The route.

Great ride everyone!!

Here comes warmer weather! Next ride: May 11th Black and White Ride!