What is Bike Party?

Changwon Bike Party is a group bike ride open to any and all bike riders and Nubija subscribers. It happens the 2nd Saturday of every month. Every Bike Party has a different starting point and a different route and is typically around 12-20 KM. Also every ride has a costumed theme! Bike Party is about engaging with your biking and local community. Bike Party allows us to explore and engage with neighborhoods and even cities that we might not explore or engage with otherwise. Bike Party is first and foremost a PARTY! There is music, and costumes and all kinds of celebrating!! So dress up and get on your bikes and ride!!!

Here is a video I made of what a bike party looks like: East Bay Bike Party

Thursday, October 24, 2013

11월 창원 바이크 파티: 체크무늬 라이드 NOVEMBER BIKE PARTY - PLAID RIDE

11월 창원 바이크 파티- 체크무늬 라이드

마산으로 가는 특별한 낮 바이크 파티와 함께 격자무늬 옷을 입고 깊어가는 가을을 맞이합시다.

Let us welcome fall by wearing our best plaids on this special DAYTIME BIKE PARTY to Masan. 

마산 국화축제를 향해 가면서 창원의 아름다운 가을을 느낄 것입니다.

We will ride to the Masan Chrysanthemum Festival and enjoy Changwon's beautiful autumn.

11월 2일, 토요일
시간13 시 30분 • 14시 출발

Saturday, November 2nd
Meet @ Changwon Bus Terminal
Meet @ 1:30PM  • Ride leaves @ 2PM

주제:  체크무늬
(옷이 없더라도 괜찮으니 오세요 ^^)

Theme: PLAID!
(Even if you don't have a costume still COME ^^)

경로는 다음과 같습니다: 

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