What is Bike Party?

Changwon Bike Party is a group bike ride open to any and all bike riders and Nubija subscribers. It happens the 2nd Saturday of every month. Every Bike Party has a different starting point and a different route and is typically around 12-20 KM. Also every ride has a costumed theme! Bike Party is about engaging with your biking and local community. Bike Party allows us to explore and engage with neighborhoods and even cities that we might not explore or engage with otherwise. Bike Party is first and foremost a PARTY! There is music, and costumes and all kinds of celebrating!! So dress up and get on your bikes and ride!!!

Here is a video I made of what a bike party looks like: East Bay Bike Party

Friday, February 21, 2014

2월 창원 바이크 파티 고향 라이드!! -- 후기 FEBRUARY BIKE PARTY: VALENTINE'S RIDE -- recap

2월의 창원 바이크 파티: 발렌타인데이 라이드 -- 후기

즐거운 발렌타인데이였습니다. 날씨도 좋았고, 좋은 친구들과 자전거로 도시를 누비며 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.
What a LOVEly Valentine's Ride. Great weather, good friends and lots of fun biking through the city!

여기 즐거웠던 순간들이 있습니다:
Here are some highlights from the ride:

시냇물을 따라 걸었고요:
Taking the creek trail: 

첫번째 휴식처에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다:
Getting cozy at Rest Stop 1:

안민터널을 지날 때 입니다:
Going through Anmnin Tunnel: 

터널을 지나고서 입니다:
After the tunnel:

진해루로 갈 때 입니다:
On our way to Jinhae-Ru:

잘 마쳤습니다! 바이크 파티!!
We made it! BIKE PARTY!!!

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