What is Bike Party?

Changwon Bike Party is a group bike ride open to any and all bike riders and Nubija subscribers. It happens the 2nd Saturday of every month. Every Bike Party has a different starting point and a different route and is typically around 12-20 KM. Also every ride has a costumed theme! Bike Party is about engaging with your biking and local community. Bike Party allows us to explore and engage with neighborhoods and even cities that we might not explore or engage with otherwise. Bike Party is first and foremost a PARTY! There is music, and costumes and all kinds of celebrating!! So dress up and get on your bikes and ride!!!

Here is a video I made of what a bike party looks like: East Bay Bike Party

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4월 창원 바이크 파티 꽃 라이드!!! APRIL BIKE PARTY FLOWER RIDE!!

4월 창원 바이크 파티 꽃 라이드!!! 

꽃이 피고 날씨는 점점 좋아지고 있어요!
봄이 왔죠! 봄,꽃 그리고 자전거가 함께 하기에 딱 좋은 시기에요! 머리에 꽃을 달고 자전거를 꽃으로 장식하고 창원 바이크 파티 꽃 라이드에 오세요!

The flowers are coming and the weather is getting nicer and nicer!! Spring is here! A perfect time for spring, flowers and bikes! So put some flowers in your hair, petal your pedals and join us on Changwon Bike Party's Flower Ride!

창원 버스 터미널에서 출발해서 진해 벚꽃축제로 유명한 여좌천 입구까지 갈 거예요. 벚꽃축제는 끝났겠지만 아름다운 벚꽃을 보길 기대해보자구요.

We will ride from Changwon Bus Terminal to the entrance of Jinhae's Nationally Famous Cherry Blossom Road (Yeojwacheon Stream) site of the Jinhae Cherry Blossom festival. Although we will be a week late, expect to see some (hopefully) of Jinhae's beautiful cherry blossoms.

타 지역에 계시는 분들께는 좋은 소식 하나! 창원에서는 핸드폰을 이용해서 24시간 자전거를 빌릴 수 있는 공영자전거시스템을 운영하고 있어요!! 자세한 정보: http://imgur.com/DQKxw7T 

For out of towners... Good News! Changwon has a public bike system whereby you can rent a public bike for a 24 hr period using your phone! Info here: http://imgur.com/DQKxw7T

4월 12일, 토  
장소: 창원종합버스터미널 
13 시 30분 • 출발시각 @ 14시
주제: 꽃 (옷이 없더라도 괜찮으니 오세요 ^^) 

마지막 장소: 여좌천-벚꽃명소


April 12th
Location: Changwon Bus Terminal
Time: Meet @ 1:30PM, Ride leaves @ 2PM
Theme: Flowers and flower clothes
End Point: Yeojwacheon Stream

경로는 다음과 같습니다:

Happy Spring and Happy Bike Party!!!!!

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